Evelynn Art

Commission page

Welcome to my commission page
Thanks a lot for your interest in my art, it
already means a lot. Read the T.O.S and check
my prices ! My DeviantArt is my portfolio. ♡

You can contact me on these !
Discord: melodi5630
Twitter: @evelynn3dart
NSFW Twitter: @evelynn3dnsfw

Hi, I'm Evelynn, but people also call me Melodi !I'm a french 3D artist since October 2020, and started Blender
to depict my roleplay scene. Now, it became my most important hobby and a fun way to pay the bills and sharing with people on the internet.
I'd be very honored to depict the cool scene you have in mind !

Terms of Service

— I can speak in ꜰʀ or in ᴇɴɢ.
— Payment is done through Paypal in €. I usually ask the payment when I reach about half of the work. Sometimes, I can ask it upfront if needed.
— I'll notify you regularly of the progress with WIP. Your opinion will always be asked and my priority.
— Render will be post on my socials and be watermarked. If you wanna keep it private, I'd ask an extra.
— Mainly for 🔞 NSFW Renders, I can refuse commission if I'm not comfortable with the scene.
Please gather references if you have precise ideas in mind. It helps me to make the best work for you, according to what you have in mind ♡



Pedestal : €20 — A fullbody render of your character(s) looking cool on a small and detailed environment.Portrait : €20 — Your character looking cool in a fast but efficient composition. The background might no be very detailed.


€50 — Render of your character(s) or NPC(s) with a detailed background. Textures are more detailed, items and armor treated and reworked.


+5-10€ — Model editing, extra clothing, hairstyles etc. (also counts for content from other games). Price varies according to the complexity.
+5-10€ — Texture editing. Price varies according to the complexity.
+10€ — For any extra characters, up to 2 additional characters.
+5€ — Per pets, mascots and such.
+5€ — Per extra angle.
+5€ — If you don't want me to publish the piece on my socials.


If you're interested in a group/guild render, we can discuss the price together as it's not easy for me to predict how much it will cost.

NSFW Prices


€70 — A single character with a background, detailed or not.


€80 — Two characters having fun together.


+5-15€ — Model editing, extra clothing, hairstyles etc. (also counts for content from other games). Price varies according to the complexity.
+5-15€ — Texture editing. Price varies according to the complexity.
+10€ — Per extra character.
+5€ — Per extra angle.
+5€ — If you don't want me to publish the piece on my socials.